
The Enlightened Entrepreneur

June 3rd and 4th in Rochester, NY at the Strathallan Hotel 


Current students: FREE

Early Bird pricing available through May 16th: $1,195

Pricing starting May 1st: $1,395

Team Pricing

3 + team members: $995 per person - please email to register your team of 3 or more!



The Enlightened Entrepreneur

In this symposium, you will learn and discover:

  • Assess your leadership level, and discover the hidden weaknesses undermining your personal and professional life
  • Practice mental disciplines that increase awareness and enhance self-mastery 
  • Learn how to nourish yourself to optimize your thoughts and balance your emotions, resulting in enhanced physical health.
  • Discover the three different time-lines humans operate in and learn to access the highest one to activate your fullest possibility as a person and a leader.
  • Learn how to integrate specific energy rituals into your everyday business life to recapture time, produce more value and earn more money in less time.