About UsExperience greater satisfaction. Live fearlessly.

Steve D'Annunzio, CPCCEO

Steve D'Annunzio is an author and co-creator of many books, businesses and artistic projects—all with the common theme of alleviating human suffering and improving the welfare of humanity.

He is the founder and owner of Mission-Driven Advisor, which works exclusively with CEOS of money management firms to help them identify their higher purpose beyond just the profit motive, and Soul Purpose Institute, which teaches students how to discover their life’s purpose and evolve their product or service offering into a business that is powerful, purposeful and profitable.

Over the years, he has been a productivity trainer and life success coach to many Fortune 100 executives, professional athletes and other business leaders. His philosophy teaches a new model of transformation called Conscious Capitalism, which helps entrepreneurs understand their value—turning potential into production. This God-given utility is each student’s “Soul Purpose” and the foundation on which his coaching is built.

Steve considers his greatest accomplishment to be bringing three fantastic, high-functioning people into this world in Jenna, Colin and Alicia. He was recently knighted by the Order of St. John for the work he has done in service to humanity. Steve is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, which is an international thinktank for love-driven leaders. He and family reside in Rochester, NY.

Steve and I were first introduced by the CEO of the financial services firm I partner with. Given my career trajectory and the challenges of taking on more leadership responsibilities, Steve was recommended to help me master both my thinking and understanding of this challenge and help me raise those around me to higher levels.

In our work together, Steve has helped me become clear on what goes into serving clients and advisors in the pursuit of becoming a mission and love-driven leader. He has been instrumental in helping me enhance my identity by becoming a better communicator and asking better questions. We have worked to algin both my personal and business goals in accordance with several laws and principles to allow me to live a more fulfilled and balanced life. As a direct result of our working together I feel like I am working towards higher levels of professional growth faster and with more appreciation for the life I am living.

Christopher Foder, CExP®

Partner at Meridian Financial Associates

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"I have had the pleasure of knowing Steve for over 20 years. During our time together, Steve handles every conversation with wisdom and amazing expertise. His ability to flip the narrative and help ensure a better understanding of context is truly remarkable. Whether we’re discussing business or personal information, I always look forward to our meetings and consider our time together invaluable. Steve truly supports me in every capacity, and I think incredibly highly of him as a friend and individual."

Glen Golish, LUTCF®, CFBS®, BSP

President - GWealth Strategies, LLC

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"I have Known Steve for about 30 years as I met him through his former partner Jeffrey Locker who had coached myself and many of my Guardian colleagues while I was a Guardian General Agent. To quantify the amount of wisdom and knowledge Steve has provided to me over the years would be impossible, but I will try.

  1. Money follows Value -- This has been a very helpful mindset for me as I focus on providing value to all I serve as best I can.
  2. Meditation and being mindful has had a profound impact on my sense of calm and peace.
  3. Empathy – I have learned how strong my empathy for others is – and how low my empathy is for myself, so I have begun to be kinder to myself.

If you are looking to grow both personally and professionally Steve and his team can be a huge game changer. I hope to see you at one of their events."

Michael Fliegelman


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“Encountering Steve D’Annunzio six years ago marked the beginning of my soul purpose journey. His mentorship has been a beacon, guiding me through both professional landscapes and personal milestones. Steve’s wisdom has been a catalyst for growth, teaching me the art of presence, awareness, and purposeful action through powerful intention.

The key progress from our time together includes:

  • Clarity in Business: Steve’s strategic insights have been instrumental in keeping my business aspirations in sharp focus, empowering me to navigate obstacles with resilience.
  • Enrichment of Life: Steve’s teachings transcend the professional realm, instilling a practice of intentionality and mindfulness that has enriched my life immeasurably.
  • Sharing Wisdom: Under Steve’s influence, I’ve learned the profound impact of sharing knowledge selflessly. It’s about elevating others, fostering their growth, and witnessing their transformation—a reward in itself.

For those seeking to align their ambitions with action, Steve is a guiding light. His approach harmonizes professional pursuits with personal evolution, leading to a life of fulfillment.”

Jim Schepis, CLU

Financial Services, Leadership

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I met Steve over 25 years ago in a workshop he was conducting and immediately realized that he was a coach and friend that I would have in my life forever.  I have had the benefits of Steve's Coaching and Workshops over the past 25 years and for the past 5 years, I have worked with Steve one on one to be a better leader, communicator and person!  Steve has brought value to me and ultimately all the people in my life both personally and professionally by helping me with the tools to become the best version of myself and lead from a place of care and generosity.  My biggest decisions these past 5 years have all been made in consultation with Steve to help me be the best person I can be and to be in a place of bringing value to all I encounter.  Working with MDA has given me the tools and coaching to grow my business with tools that I can use every day in my personal and business life! 
I would recommend Steve and Mission Driven Advisor to anyone serious about being a better leader, partner or friend.  

Lyle Domenitz

General Agent/Partner

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My professional relationship from a coaching perspective goes back 12 years. I have known Steve for over 20 years as he has worked for and with our firm since 1994. Our relationship has been incredibly powerful. Personally, Steve has created peace, calm, patience, and laughter in my life. Professionally, words cannot express the difference he has made for me and our firm. From MDA workshops to personal coaching, business planning and everything in between....he is my guru. I am a better person and leader as a result of having Steve in my life. From the relationships at home-relationships with our Elite Advisors, his fundamental teaching and perspective have added substance and depth to every single one.

Josh Becker

General Agent

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I've been working with Steve for about a decade, and I have found that there's an entire inner being in part of who I am that I can tap into, to make a far more powerful difference in the world than I thought was there. I have applied his concepts throughout my life. From a business standpoint, Steve has enabled me and empowered me to take on far more than I thought I could handle through his programs that can take your leadership and impact that you have with people to a higher level. When I met with Steve for the first time, he took me from a very high level of production which in my world was called leader's club, to doubling of my business and making presidents council. I have found that I have a far more peaceful stance in life that has benefitted not only my business relationships, but my family life, and frankly, I have become a better person, husband, and father through his coaching. He has not only helped me better understand the value of what I'm up to in the world, but a way to communicate it that is bringing forth action on the part of clients like it never had before, and I was pretty good when I met Steve.

Mark Connely, CFP®

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When it comes to the financial services world, there many ways that value can be created from a group like Steve’s. The disconnect I have found when speaking with other groups has been everything was really boxed into either how to create more opportunities (introductions, advocacy, etc…) or how to get more people to essentially say yes. Most of these have felt like sales systems that didn’t speak to me in regard to what I was trying to build as a company. The difference I have experienced with Steve over the past few years has been that our focus has been on how to make me feel more empowered in the value I am creating and focused on where I want to create it. My practice typically has a heavy volume and many moving parts that can sometimes be overwhelming. Steve helps to serve as my sounding board to tune out all the moving parts and really focus in on what’s the most important to me and what makes me feel most powerful. Many times, I come to our calls not even knowing what I want to accomplish but always leave feeling I have gotten exactly what I need to be focused moving forward. The result of our relationship can be seen in the results in my business. My Practice has more than doubled in the 4 years we have worked together, and I feel like I am more keyed into where I am going, why, and most importantly I am clear that both are what I want! Steve has become an essential piece of my team and I am thankful to have him in my corner!

Adam Morgan, CFP®

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When your inner world and outer world are in conflict it can create stagnation, paralysis, depression, malaise, and lack of energy.  This manifests itself in so many ways both personally and professionally. 

Working with a great coach will help one identify the issues and create a plan of action to erode the barriers to create greater success both in one’s internal life and external life. 

This is where Steve D’Annunzio and the Mission Driven Advisor comes in.   Steve and his team have a unique gift and process to identify your strengths and unblock them so you work in alignment with who you really are, not who you think you should be.   The result is energizing on the one hand and calming on the other. 

Steve, his process, and team have helped me become a better advisor, husband, father, community member and so on and I am grateful for the wisdom they have imparted to me. 

As Steve says, “what you do for others you do for yourself” and the corollary is that “what you do for yourself you do for others”.  I encourage you to do for yourself by working with The Mission Driven Advisor and the strategic byproduct will be that you do great things for others and be happier and wealthier for it. 

Jonathan Blinken

Financial Advisor

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I’m in a constant state of gratitude since I’ve been working with Steve D’Annunzio over the last few years. I’m always able to get centered and be present in challenging situations by channeling the things Steve has shown me. I can’t wait for our calls because I need his guidance. He is my ‘Board of Directors’ in business conversations, my ‘life coach’ in family matters, and my accountability partner to make sure I’m moving forward. I’m constantly sharing with others that Steve is my coach and how much value he has helped me bring to my life. 

Jim Lake, Chief Distribution Officer, Lifetime Financial Growth, CAS & RICP

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Steve and I met at LAMP a few years ago after he spoke on the main stage.  I remember that day feeling like he was speaking to me among the crowd of 2,000 plus people.  I decided I wanted to meet him, and bumped into him later in the hotel lobby.  We began a conversation about working together and have been doing so now for 6 years.

Steve’s coaching has been instrumental in me focusing on becoming a transformational leader.  His coaching focuses on a different realm, a more spiritual realm.  I have grown as a leader, husband, father and in my faith as a result of our work together.  A 3 years ago we partnered with Steve and his team to work directly with those of our advisors desiring a coaching relationship.  Steve and his team are now transforming the lives of our advisors and teammates.

I highly recommend Steve and his team.

Tim Flanagan, Jr. CLU® ChFC® CFP® ChSNC™

President, The Pelora Group

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I have had the good fortune of working with Steve for over 10 years.  During that time, he has helped me discover an entirely new perspective on business and life which has helped me to become not only a better person…but a better husband, father, friend and advisor to my clients.  I am truly grateful for his wisdom, guidance and friendship. 

Peter von Halle, von Halle Brokerage Group

"I have been blessed to work with Steve D'Annunzio and The Mission Driven Advisor team for several years now and my experience has been amazing. They have created tremendous value in all aspects of my life. Their work has improved my spiritual life, family life, my health and my business. Their mentoring has allowed me to identify my Soul Purpose in life which has resulted in unbelievable productivity and profitability. I have never had more prosperity in life and believe my work with Steve and his team has been the catalyst. Steve is a world renowned teacher and author and his Soul Purpose is to help you identify yours!"

David Suckey

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"Steve’s coaching has shaped every aspect of how we communicate about our business, from our verbal communication to our website. We would offer that this group of academics, who do math for a living, were likely Steve’s greatest challenge. It has taken years of coaching and practice.  We have improved substantially.  Coaching, like most things, is about getting out of it what you put into it.  You must embrace change.  You must become comfortable with being uncomfortable.  This is what it means to be truly coachable.  If you are, and you are willing to put in the work, and if you are willing to be bad and uncomfortable to get better, I encourage any sales professional to allow Steve and his team help show you the path toward your Soul Purpose."

Mike Paciotti and Joe Perfilio

ICM Integrated Capital Management Founders

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Steve, about 25 or so years ago I took a course from you in your house in Rochester.  I think it was only one day or maybe two, but you taught us how to write a mission statement and to say it 3 times a day.   You helped me to word mine so perfectly and I have been saying it since.  I recently found the workbook you gave us called “Awaken”.  It is a yellow bound paperback and I intend to complete the readings and exercises.  I was telling my husband about you and the course and how you played I think the Shruti and sang.  You had one daughter then.  I just want to tell you that I have taken many workshops but yours was definitely number one!  I remember your kind nature and loving guidance.  My statement goals have all come true.  I am 71 now and have been so fortunate to meet my desires of travel, massage, freedom, love, health – everything! It looks like you are extremely successful now, which I would certainly expect from you.  You definitely made a change in my life and I live with unbounding joy.  Thank you for your input into my life.  I couldn’t have found a better mentor and guide right when I needed it. I know you are blessed and are bringing blessings to many others.  You are a gift to the world.

Kay Holley

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"Steve, as an entrepreneur who used to be a control freak, this is a lesson on how to be in 'control' in the healthiest way of the word and this, my friend, is changing my life. Your lessons on the natural laws of the universe have contributed to my self-awareness and compassion. This is a special gift that prior to our work, I had no idea was possible. This awareness has given me the unique opportunity to choose my thoughts on consistent occasions.

For example, with my employees, I am often frustrated with performance levels and in the past, would react with a temper. Now, I am learning to be inquisitive and provide clear and decisive direction and clear and decisive consequence. The approach is the difference between reacting (the old way) to a circumstance and creating (the new way) with clarity and solutions. The old me used to play roles, like an actor, depending upon where I was and whom I was with. In my personal life, I was intuitive, emotional and loving. In business, I was guarded and ruthless. The self-aware, higher version, the new me, is effortlessly one man in all circumstance. This has simplified my life and strengthened my self-identity, confidence and relationships. I have learned to love myself everywhere I go in a way that feels pure and timeless. I love and cherish our work together Steve. You have shown me the way home. I love you so much my brother."

Matthew Schwam

CEO, Holiday Image

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"I am so fortunate to have met you and indebted to Richard Pope for introducing us. 2013 has been my best business year ever. Your advice and coaching has been a big part of this progress. Your 1% better philosophy, focus on tier 1 clients and constantly striving to be in the spiritual realm are game changers. I practice the prosperity power hour, plan each day and read my intention statement as a habit now. My revenue increased by 40% in 2013 and my life insurance premiums doubled. I have qualified for President's Council with Guardian and made it in the PAS VIP top 100. I am also on track to qualify for PC in 2014 with all the business already submitted. Personally, my close friends and family have complemented me on the more relaxed version of myself and I tend to "envision the greatest, wisest and most magnificent version of who I am and work to actualize it". I would highly recommend all MDRT level producers to sign up for your program, if they want to take their business and personal lives to the next level. Look forward to a prosperous and enjoyable 2014."

Garrett Gunderson

Best-Selling Author of Killing Sacred Cows: Overcoming the Financial Myths that are Destroying Your Prosperity & Founder of Freedom FastTrack

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"My personal life has improved dramatically because I am more at peace with myself and those around me. My business, although already successful in its own right, has prospered in ways never imagined. So many doors that were never seen before are opening to reveal wonderful opportunities for my practice. Employing your teachings of positive energy flow and increased awareness of everything and everyone has created an uplifting experience and the clarity that the future for my practice looks brighter than ever. Yes, there are still the daily problems but they seem less consequential than before knowing that I can create an internal serenity to deal with them and bring that back to my staff and clients. These are not words, they are realities.

Your help with providing insights into broader thought processes have allowed me to refine a systematic business planning process. The addition of a CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) and the expansion of the practice to a national presence were a long term desire but for some unknown reason beyond my grasp. That desire has fast become reality and my staff is more in harmony even though we are busier than ever before.

This would not have been as possible without the insights I have learned from you. This is a very enlightening feeling. So my friend, I write this testimonial for you not to "sell you" to anyone but to say a heartfelt Thank You."

Richard Pope

President, Applied Financial Group, New York, NY

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“I would just like to comment on my experience with using the coaching program at Mission Driven Advisor. When I was first approached with the idea of working with you I must say that I was skeptical. What I did recognize was that I was at a point in my career going into my twenty second year that I couldn't afford not to try this as I knew there was something missing regarding the way I went about advising clients. What Steve & Raeanne have taught me has been mind boggling to say the least. I have fine-tuned my operation in the areas of Time Management, Relationship Building, Prospecting, & Proven Principled Approaches that all lead to a more fulfilling profitable practice. I have also worked harder on myself than ever before spending the necessary time each day to Meditate & fill my mind with Good Mental thoughts that really make a difference. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who feels they are not where they want to be in their careers or for anyone looking to get to the next level as I know this will be a life changing experience for you as it has been for me.”

Michael Bernabeo

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“The Enlightened Entrepreneur Course is outstanding. My life has become more enjoyable and I am contributing more to the people I work with in our business. Steve D'Annunzio has not only put together a great course, but his coaching and involvement is priceless. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to increase the quality of their life, as well as their business!”

Walt Cardinet

Chairman of the Board, Pacific Advisors

"Steve, I have gained so much from the time that you and I have shared I could write a novel describing the importance our relationship and this time of study and meditation mean to me. Family, friends and associates comment on the changes they witness and this is a witness and testimony to me that I AM moving closer to the light, sharing and experiencing it's love in my life. I am so grateful! God Bless you my brother for living your soul purpose and sharing it so graciously with me."

Lisa Brown

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"Finding my Soul Purpose under Steve's loving and patient guidance felt like coming home. I spent a lot of years wandering in a wilderness of mediocrity, going down misleading paths and pursuing misguided goals, and I was often confused, frustrated, and fearful. After discovering my Soul Purpose I found peace, joy, confidence, and fulfillment. Everything just feels right, like all of the puzzle pieces of my life are now in place, working together. Steve has a natural gift, a piercing intuition for reading between the lines of my life and identifying exactly what steps I should take at any given moment. He is a true mentor in every sense of the word. I wish everyone could have the experience with him that I have been blessed with."

Stephen Palmer

Partner, Consultant, & Writer with KGaps Consulting

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"I just wanted to thank you for living your soul purpose in helping people like myself. As you're well aware; I've been in the insurance and financial services industry for the past 16 years, and this is the first time in my career that I truly understand my purpose in this world. Needless to say, my life and practice has changed so dramatically that words cannot possibly do justice. Blessings and opportunities are all around me. It's difficult to comprehend why all of these things are finally appearing, but I'm grateful nonetheless."

Bryan P. Maun


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"I recently attended a two day symposium of The Mission Driven Advisor led by Steve D'Annunzio. I have been exploring the arena of personal growth for more than 20 years and attended Steve's meeting without expecting to learn very much. Well, it was exactly the opposite.

Steve has put together a brilliant roadmap to uncovering and releasing the "power" that lies within us all. His approach is simple and allows each attendee to "discover" truths about how we all operate in the world. I discovered an access to truly choosing the path that I take in life; a path of my choosing, not my past, not my ego, not my history and not the same old, same old. Steve leads this program perfectly and connects with the entire audience. I had him do his training at my agency in 2009 and it was equally great. I have found peace, presence and profitability by doing this work."

Ronald Rosbruch

CEO, Strategies for Wealth, New York, NY

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“I have been working with Steve for a little over a year and my experience with him has been truly transformational. We have explored to great depths my personal life, business life, and all the domains those two areas encompass. I have awakened to who I really am and am aware of how I move in the universe. Every aspect of my life has been enriched by my work with Steve and our journey continues to ignite my soul. My relationships with friends and family are more engaging; interactions with my company's staff are more productive; and the results of client conversations have been more profitable. In fact, my revenue has doubled since living with Steve's guidance. It is certainly not a coincidence. It would be time and energy well directed to form a relationship with Steve. My life is one of abundance with him in it.”

Joe Pombriant

Alacrity Financial, New York, NY

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"Your contribution to me has manifested in my life in numerous ways. I have a true sense of Self and, most importantly, compassion for myself. Our focus on nonattachment keeps me centered and focused on creating value and making a difference in another's life. As a result of not being driven by and attached to arbitrary production goals and dollars, I've also had a significant increase in gross income.

When we started working together, I was a lone advisor with one administrative assistant producing at Leaders Club level. Today, I lead a team of advisors, am partnered with a President's Council producer, have two full time support staff, am producing at President's Council level, and have a business that is well positioned for expansion. Your coaching and the Enlightened Entrepreneur program continues to be one of the most profitable business and life decisions I have made. Thank you for being such a HUGE contribution to my life. It is an honor to be your student."

Chau Lai


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“In a 35 year financial services career, I’ve seen and experienced a number of coaching programs but none has blended the personal and business in the way you have. I am happier, calmer and more productive than I’ve ever been I attribute all of that to the work we’ve done. In a period of recession and great financial stress I’ve had the two best years of my career…”

Andy Rosenbaum

Financial Coach & Author of The Wealth Swing Coach

"I was headed down a path of pride that would have stripped some of the greatest joy I have in life if I didn't meet Steve. The mentoring I received prepared me to be a father, and unlocked happiness, wealth, and purpose that was so elusive before. Before my mentoring sessions I was on a roller coaster, some days ready to take on the world, other days didn't want to get out of bed.

This all changed when I began meditating under Steve's direction. I was able to uncover my Soul Purpose and take bold moves in my business. Even though I was making a comfortable mid-6 figure income, I wasn't fully happy. Since, my company made the INC 500 list and I am a New York Times bestseller. I wouldn't have been able to handle the road to get there without the inner strength and connectivity to my creator that was opened up in my coaching with Steve.

Bottom line, better marriage, increased happiness, joy and peace. Was it worth it? You bet. I would have paid 10 times or really much more."

Garrett Gunderson

Best-Selling Author of Killing Sacred Cows: Overcoming the Financial Myths that are Destroying Your Prosperity & Founder of Freedom FastTrack

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Jenna D'Annunzio,
MS, CPCPresident || Holistic Business + Mindset Coach

Jenna D’Annunzio is a business, life and success coach who uses her 15+ years of professional experience combined with her masterful communication skills and keen empathetic senses to facilitate entrepreneurs and small business owners in what it looks like to be the happiest, healthiest and wealthiest they can be. ✨

The proud daughter of Steve D’Annunzio, Jenna is beyond grateful to have been raised with the teachings and principles of Soul Purpose Institute and Mission Driven Advisor. The life success production principles have supported her to lean into her soul purpose of guiding others on their journey to being the greatest expression of their higher self. 

When she is not coaching and running the business, you can find her head either buried in a book, or soaking up every minute she can with her wonderful husband and their 3 beautiful and busy little ones!

For anyone trying to take their business and life to the next level:

I had the pleasure of meeting Jenna through our agency, Strategies for Wealth.  Jenna and her team coach a lot of our advisors.  What we have noticed is that the coaching we receive brings our business and personal life to the next level.  Through the end of May 2024, I am on track to triple my 2023 production as a direct result of implementing strategies that we have discussed.  Jen provides clear guidance in all aspects of my business and personal life including:  effective uses of social media, implementing processes and procedures, navigating challenging relationships within the agency and my family, and holding me accountable to all of my goals personally and professionally.

If you feel you have plateaued and are looking for the next quantum leap, I highly recommend Jenna to help you get to the next level

Peter J. Holmes CLU®, ChFC®, RHU®, REBC®, CASL®, RICP®, CLTC®

Managing Director

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I am thrilled to share my experience working with Jenna, a remarkable business coach whose impact has been profound, both professionally and personally. My journey with Jenna began through my company, The Pelora Group, where our President recognized the importance of investing in leadership growth and facilitated our partnership with MDA.

Over several years, Jenna became more than just a coach; she became a trusted confidante and guide through various seasons of my life. One of the most significant transitions during our time together was becoming a first-time parent. Jenna's support was invaluable as I navigated the challenges of balancing career aspirations with the joys and responsibilities of motherhood. She helped me through the pervasive "mom guilt" and provided strategies to realign my priorities effectively.

Beyond the personal realm, Jenna's expertise in team dynamics and coaching proved indispensable in my professional growth. She offered valuable insights and practical advice in navigating complex team dynamics, empowering me to lead with clarity and confidence. Her guidance facilitated not only my own development but also the growth and success of my team members.

I wholeheartedly would recommend Jenna for her exceptional coaching abilities and unwavering dedication to her clients' growth and well-being. Whether you're facing professional challenges or seeking personal development, Jenna would be an invaluable asset on your journey to success.

Chelsea Pawlowski

Director of Marketing

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I was introduced to Jenna and Steve last year by a mutual friend; the friend, Braden, is a mentor of mine and a coaching client of Steve’s.  A conversation between Braden and I sparked a conversation about Braden’s work with Steve and the SPI/MDA principles and the value he was bringing to Braden’s personal and professional life.  It was clear to me that I needed to explore this introduction at greater length, so I reached out and set up my introductory meeting with Jenna. 

My experience with Jenna has been unbelievable—accelerating the pace of my professional and personal growth beyond belief.  To say it has been transformational is an understatement and I highly recommend any high performer to run, not walk, at an opportunity to collaborate with Jenna.  In my business world, I have a greater awareness of my unique abilities and how I can best apply them to make the biggest difference in the world.  I have also discovered my limiting beliefs and that some of my perceived “superpowers” are also my greatest kryptonite, holding me back from the greatest version of myself (for me, it’s my empathetic/caregiver self, that sometimes leads me to try to intervene so that someone else won’t fail… not always the best when you’re working towards building leaders of the future!).  In my work with Jenna, I have also experienced such beautiful growth in my personal life.  Jenna has helped me to learn to love all the beautiful and messy parts of life and enjoy experiencing it as it unfolds—the process is even better than the destination.  I have the tools now to show up as the version of myself I want to be, for myself, my kids, my husband, my family, and my friends.  A version of me that has grace, patience, understanding, while still remaining accountable to what I set out to do.

To anyone struggling to achieve their goals, reach out to Jenna.  To anyone crushing their goals, but still crave something more, something different, something more balanced…. Reach out to Jenna.  Before Jenna, I would consider myself to be in the latter category.  I was the professional who to the outside world was “hitting all the numbers”, meeting the deadlines, keeping all of the balls in the air.  And yet, there was still so much to learn about myself.  To becoming a more enlightened version of that person, who now has so much more harmony in her life.  I cannot wait to see what the next year of collaboration with Jenna will bring for me!

Dr. Samantha Herrington, DPT

Chief Operating Officer H&H Financial Group

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Jenna is not just a great coach, a wonderful friend, and an all-round great person. I have been doing an exercise recently about who the mentors are in my life; guess who was #1 on my list? You guessed it, Jenna D'Annunzio. 

Mission Driven Advisor has given me the gift of a steady and growing practice, a repeatable process based in value creation and love-driven leadership, AND (if that wasn't enough) it has given me the space to have the most fulfilling work-life balance I could have ever dreamed of having. I cannot express my gratitude to Jenna and the Mission Driven Advisor team with mere words. Being a part of this program has been life-altering and I thank myself daily for making the investment in myself through Mission Driven Advisor.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you Jenna and thank you Mission Driven Advisor. 

Rich Kintzing

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I have been working with Jenna for over 5 years now, her guidance and support have been a transformative force in my life. I like to call her my flashlight, in every conversation she helps me find clarity and purpose.  She is not afraid to hold up the mirror and help me see myself with honesty, transparency, and compassion.  Jenna has helped me build an emotional toolbox that has enabled me to better face and overcome life’s challenges.  I am grateful to have her as my coach, the relationship we have built in the past couple of years has been a gift and a true blessing.

Lina Clavijo

Global brands marketer, cultural transformation catalyst and author.

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Being an entrepreneur, you are faced with many challenges and opportunities that most people will never encounter. It can be daunting, serendipitous, overwhelming, fortuitous and sometimes, quite frightening. Luckily, with proper coaching, you will have an ally that can alleviate some of the challenges and augment the opportunities. Mission Driven Advisor/Soul Purpose Institute has had a profound impact not only on my business, but my life as well. The tools and strategies gained from professional coaching has allowed me success that I never thought possible. I am not just talking about monetary success, I have also learned about balance, mindfulness, and appreciation for all that I do for others. Having someone in your corner, who understands your business, is monumental. Without the help of Jenna, Steve, and the rest of MDA/SPI, I would be lost. They have helped me to find my way, my purpose, and excel as a business owner and a person. I cannot thank them enough for the work we have done together, and I highly recommend that anyone who wants to better themselves or their business. 

Stephen Abrams, MBA

Partner at Doctors Disability Specialists

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I met Jenna in the Spring of 2019 while I was in the middle of dealing with several business and personal hurdles that needed to be overcome.  Having 27 years of experience in the Financial Services industry, I was continuing to make the same mistakes time and time again.  After talking with Mission Driven Advisor and completing a trial contract in the Fall of 2019 I jumped head first into the program in 2020.  After attending the January Symposium in Florida and having completed the first 9 months of my first year working with Jenna I am very pleased to say it has been "life changing". 

The Mission Driven Advisor program gives you the tools to move your practice and life from scarcity to prosperity.  This is the first time I can truly say that my business is driven by having my family and clients come first.  If you want to be challenged to move your practice and life to the next level, this is the place to do it!

Lee M. Daniels, MBA, CFP®, CExP™, ChFC, CLU, CASL

Managing Partner | Fractional CFO & Cofounder of Exponential Equations

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I have had the pleasure of working with Jenna and the Soul Purpose Institute for 5 years and it has transformed the way I view my work as well as my life outside of work. I have developed skills and uncovered insights on how to better communicate with others and how to work smarter and not harder. Incorporating what I have learned these past few years has lead me to a more balanced, happier life. 

Christina Nguyen

MassMutual Financial Group

"Jenna, I want to thank you for being my advisor and coach over the last 12 months. I had the process in place, but it was the commitment to it that was lacking. You helped me immensely commit to my process. It has made life in the office so much more enjoyable, I feel better about myself and quite honestly I sleep better. By doing the Hard Easy, I am finding freedom through discipline and thus less stress in my life. Also, I enjoyed getting to know you; I enjoyed our conversations.

I am deeply grateful for your coaching and friendship."

John E. Mickey CLU, CLTC

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Bob McAuliffeMentoring Advisor

An avid high-handicap golfer (whose dream is to shoot his age – with no intention of improving his game), Bob is a business, personal and accountability coach at Soul Purpose Institute & Mission Driven Advisor.

After retiring from a career in the financial services, investment banking and energy sectors, Bob now focuses on connecting deeply and serving his clients. His soul purpose is to be a loving presence in their lives, help them prosper and find peace. Bob has a degree in philosophy, and as a life-long meditator focuses on participating fully in life. Bob lives in Fulshear, Texas, with his soulmate Barbara. They are the proud parents of four adult children and nine grandchildren.

"It has been my absolute pleasure to work with Bob McAuliffe over the last three years. In what began as a business coaching relationship, Bob has become my life coach. He has helped me navigate through Covid-19 interruptions, the addition of a business partner and very difficult personal challenges.

Bob’s greatest impact has been to teach me how to be compassionate toward myself. He holds me accountable in a “carefrontational” way. He has helped me understand myself better but more so he has helped me learn how to help myself better in very practical terms. Ask him “why should I smile?” and you will get the picture!

Bob’s guidance and his friendship have been invaluable to me. I appreciate having him on my team and in my life."

Matt Kern

Financial Planner

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Liz BerkeExecutive Coordinator & Marketing Coordinator

A lover of music, dance and most importantly her role as a Mom, Liz Berke is thrilled to be a part of the Mission Driven Advisor and Soul Purpose Institute team as Executive Coordinator.  Having known the D'Annunzio family for 25 years, she's been familiarized with the teachings of MDA/SPI and is eager to dive into the work both to enrich her own life and those around her!  

Liz has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from SUNY Geneseo and furthered her education to receive an Associate's degree in Fashion Merchandising Management from FIT. 

When she's not supporting the MDA/SPI team, Liz loves to travel, cook, soak up the sun at the beach and spend time with her loving husband Ben and their two wonderful children, Johnny and Lucy. 

David BibicoffMentoring Advisor

David Bibicoff is a veteran of the life insurance and financial advisory business. With more than 18 years of experience in financial services, he has an innate ability to see what is not so obvious to others.

David has always focused his practice on macro-economic planning. For the last seven years, in addition to running his own personal practice, David also held a management position with Strategies for Wealth, one of the largest general agencies in the Guardian Life Insurance system. In that role, David coached, managed and conducted training meetings for what became a unit of 25 advisors.

Over the years, he has qualified for the Guardian Presidential Citation Award as a top manager for six out of his seven years in management. Having left that position to focus on macro-economic planning for his clients and those of other advisors, he now spends more time with his children, including coaching kids’ sports, as well as assisting other advisors enrolled in the Mission Driven &Wisdom Driven Advisor programs.

He is a graduate of University of Miami where he earned his Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Business Administration. Today, he works out of Rye Brook, NY, in Westchester County and resides in Westport, CT, with his wife and two young adult children.

"I just wanted to write you a BIG thank you!  I have been in the business over 25 years and have made Leaders Club the majority of them but something was missing lately.  You have helped me find that. Your coaching has had an incredible impact on me and my conversations with clients. I have learned more from you in these past few cases than I received from past coaching programs I have been enrolled in for longer periods of time. I appreciate your ability to create the narratives my clients need to hear when you have never met them. I hope this relationship is as good for you as it has been for me. Thank you, David."

Lou R.

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"I just wanted to take the time to send you a note of appreciation. Your insights into client behavior, coupled with your understanding of macro-economic planning, have been tremendously helpful to both myself and my clients. While I am a 28-year veteran of the life insurance industry and a natural connector who is very comfortable approaching people, I still found your narratives and abilities helped to bolster my confidence and made me very comfortable to invite anyone into a planning discussion.  As a result, this put an extra $250,000 of life and disability premium on the books in about 18 months of working together."

Fred K.

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"David and I have been working together for over ten years, and believe it or not, neither of us can recall us ever meeting face to face. There is a chance that we met at a symposium held in Buffalo years ago, so if we did, we neither made an impression on the other worth remembering. However, I can tell you his coaching me, listening to me, and being a friend have obviously made a tremendous impression on me over these years as well as made me a better person and source to those whom I serve! To this day I continue to learn something new from David in every meeting. He has an innate ability to understand my thoughts and offer solutions that are valuable both to me and the people I'm working with. You would think as long as we have worked together, we would have covered every topic there is to cover in our field, but at each meeting we typically discuss something new. We live in an ever-changing world fraught with anxiety, division, and misinformation, yet there are some principals of life that never change. More importantly, we all need someone we can tune into when we get a little out of whack, and David is one individual who can bring me back to reality during such times. It has been my good fortune to have his wisdom and advice one phone call away!"

Peter Cantwell, CFP®

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Eliot SokalskyMentoring Advisor

Eliot Sokalsky has been working in financial services since 2005, focusing on educating medical professionals on the financial side of medicine. He grew up on the beaches in Southern New Jersey, moved to Southwest Florida and joined Alliance Financial Group in January 2008. He was brought in for his knowledge and experience in the medical community and in his performance in providing disability insurance products.

Eliot completed undergraduate work at the University of Maryland and completed graduate work at the University of Florida. He volunteers with the Lee Memorial Military Support Group, which provides assistance to service members in Southwest Florida. Eliot is also a board member of the Southwest Florida Gator Club, and enjoys exercising, particularly CrossFit and boxing, the beach, and all sporting events.

Eliot did an outstanding job helping us fine-tune our activity tracking process, to stay focused on building market momentum.  His counsel was clear and simple, coaching us on ways to generate more activity using social media.  He shared helpful language with us for reaching out to new prospects and communicating our message.  Without Eliot, the time it would have taken us to create new marketing systems on our own would have been onerous.  Eliot's input made us more efficient for getting the most traction from our new client acquisition efforts.

Asher Flint MBA, CLU & Mike Fanto, CLU

Financial Advisor

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