Monthly Video Minds
Recommended ReadingBooks we suggest reading in your Prosperity Power Hour...
The Prosperity Paradigm - Steve D'Annunzio
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker
Leadership and Self-Deception - The Arbinger Institute
The War of Art - Steven Pressfield
The Go-Giver - Bob Burg and John David Mann
Start With Why - Simon Sinek
Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl
The Golden Motorcycle Gang - Jack Canfield and WIlliam Gladstone
Get More Referrals Now - Bill Cates
Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell
The Intention Experiment - Lynn McTaggart
Tribes - Seth Godin
Firms of Endearment - Wolfe, Sheth & Sisodia
Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership - Sipe and Frick
The Soul of Money - Lynn Twist
Loyalty to Your Soul: The Heart of Spiritual Psychology - H. Ronald Hulnick, Ph.D. and Mary R. Hulnick, Ph.D.
Financial Planning
LEAP - Robert Castiglione
Wealth Swing Coach - Andy Rosenbaum
The Rich Life - Beau Henderson
Learning to Avoid Unintended Consequences - Len Renier
Killing Sacred Cows - Garrett Gunderson
The Power of Love
Love For No Reason - Marci Shimoff
Zero Limits - Joe Vitale
Power Vs. Force - David Hawkins
Online Videos
Drive - Dan Pink
Hidden Messages in Water - From What the Bleep Do We Know
Harmonics - Salt on a vibrating table